
Everything you see here is handcrafted by yours truly. Feel free to explore, but you won't find a single line of javascript, here. Everything is built by harnessing the magic of CSS, from the background effects to the navigation.

How did you do that ?

Explore the source ! Right-click anywhere and Inspect. It may be a bit messy, but if you know how to use the dev tools you should find your way.

In short, navigation is made using the sibling selector (~) and radio buttons to handle which div is shown. The background effects are a combination of clip-path, gradients, and two images and a blend mode (One with the red-blue channels and one with the green channel. Look at the "bg" div content.)

Who made this ?

I'm Frog, an IT engineer living in switzerland and this is my personal site. In my spare time, I like to put pixels on grids, to make random noises using my computer or my bass, and to write lines of codes to do things I would have done quicker manually. And at the end of the day, I ask to myself : "Is this art ?" and the answer is no.

Other than that, I'm a board game addict and long-time tabletop RPG player, I'm fond of retro things and always love a good reading.

What is an IT engineer ?

It's someone who doesn't just crash his computer, but the whole office network (earning bonus points if done on monday mornings or friday evenings).

What is a personal site ?

It's like your personal page on any social network, but you have to pay for it and nobody will ever visit it.

How can I contact you ?

If you ever need to reach me, send a mail to frog_AT_frog.moe, I'll try to get back at you.